Ace the Alaska Security Guard Certification 2024 – Patrol Your Path to Success!

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A worker returns to the worksite after hours and advises he has forgotten his tools in a secure area of the facility that he says he needs the next morning for work at another worksite. What should you do?

Let the worker get his tools and submit a report

Properly identify the worker, escort him to the area and note all property he removes in detail

If the worker has forgotten his tools, but has properly identified himself and needs them for work, it's best to escort him to the secure area and keep a record of everything he removes from it. Refusing access may hinder his work, and calling the property manager at home may not be feasible or the best solution. The information recorded by escorting the worker can help keep track of the facility's tools and prevent any potential disputes.

Refuse him access to the area and advise him to return during business hours the next day

Call the property manager at home to get authorization before giving the worker his tools


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